Saturday, March 26, 2011


Yesterday (25 March 2011) my son really wanted pancakes for breakfast. I normally use a boxed mix and add blueberries or apples... but I was out of the boxed mix. I turned to what has become my favorite cook book, Let's Go Dutch by Johanna (van der Zeijst) Bates. I had wanted to try the Flensjes Met Peren En Chocoladesaus (Dutch Pancakes [Crepes] With Pears And Chocolate) so I took this opportunity to make them since I had all the ingredients on hand. My son loved them and so did I, although they were a bit sweeter than I usually like my breakfasts to be.

Today (26 March) I found out that yesterday just happened to be The Netherlands' National Pancake Day! It just must be in my genes... a magnetic pull of the Dutch sort!
Radio Netherlands Worldwide reported on National Pancake Day (this is how I found out about it). See the video here:

Next time I have pancakes, I think I'll try the traditional pancake they talked about in the video (and also gave a recipe in the website article): apples and bacon.

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