Saturday, May 22, 2010

Food! Voedsel!

I live for food (no pun intended). I had hoped to find a cook book while I was in Holland, but we didn't have the time to really look for a good one.
When we got back to the USA, I started searching for dutch recipes online. I found a list of recipes on a site that I have been frequenting ( ).The first one I tried was Zuurkool met Ham (Sauerkraut and Ham). For the same meal, I made Macaroni met Ham en Kaas (Macaroni -Dutch Style). Both turned out excellent. My husband was wondering what the occasion was when he saw that I made an effort to cook a real meal. But the occasion was just being married to someone who was starting a Dutch-cooking madness spree. It was probably the next day I made Echt - Hollandse Gehaktbal (Classic Dutch Meatballs). Then I did some more searching and ordered Let's Go Dutch by Johanna (van der Zeijst) Bates. This book gives both the US measurements AND Metric measurements which is very nice... I don't have to do my own converting for every recipe!
I have been cooking recipes out of this book for weeks now. So far I have made Dutch Winter Stamppot (Hollandse Winter Stamppot), Shrimp Croquettes (Garnalencroquetten), Dutch Oliebollen (Oliebollen), Beef with Mushrooms and Madeira Sauce (Beifstuk met Champignons en Madeirasaus), and Basic Dutch Pancakes (Flensjes). Every recipe has turned out very tasty. Even my mess-ups are tasty!

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